Monday, July 27, 2015

Great Tips to Organize your Home Writing Space for More Productive Work

What images do come to your mind once you hear the words “writing cabinet organization”? A cozy room with warm light, inspirational quotes on walls, bookshelves and sofas? Or maybe a high-tech office with cool digital devices to ease the process of writing?

Whatever it is, your workplace influences work and its results drastically, that's why it would be wise to organize it by the rulebook based on scientific research and proven facts.

That's exactly what writers and designers of OmniPapers have done! Their infographic on home writing cabinet organization will be interesting and useful to check for everyone who works from home or has a confiding job at the office. It tells:
  • how to choose a good computer; 
  • how to organize a writing desk; 
  • how to add comfort and health to a workplace; 
  • how to organize a cabinet to boost productivity and creativity. 

You are welcome to check and share it with your readers.